The Anxiety Project
This is an invaluable opportunity for Harbord Parents to access a new program, designed by psychologists in collaboration with The Dept. Of Education and the NSW Primary Principals Association.
Its objective is to create mass social change and provide early intervention in reducing current and future childhood anxiety.
Often, anxiety presents in unusual ways in children
Anxiety may not be immediately recognisable by parents. In addition, a happy primary age child could experience challenges in high school or outside school and these processing techniques may help them to manage them more positively.
It's imperative our community embrace an "It Takes A Village" approach, to support not only our children but their friends too.
Resilience and mental strength is a huge challenge in the current world we live in and anything we can do to support our little ones to be happier, healthier humans is a gift!
Harbord Awarded a Grant To Participate
Harbord is very lucky to be able to take part in The Anxiety Project and the P&C, on behalf of the parent community, thank our School Executive and teachers for giving families the chance to experience the program.
Book your place in the parent sessions today!
Please review the infographic for a summary of the program and be sure to book your place on all three parent information sessions. You can mix and match day and night time if you can't make all three day time or evening sessions.
Please book your ticket through Flexischools, where you order from the canteen. There is a link on the homepage as soon as you log in.
Any questions about the program can be directed to the school office.
Thank you parents and carers, for your support of this very important initiative to help our children. The committee look forward to seeing you at the training sessions.
Catherine Roberts
President, Harbord P&C