The Harbord School Band Program
In 2024 the school leadership team asked the P&C to adopt the Band Program in 2025 as a new sub-committee, to align with Dept. of Ed. directives. In our final meeting of the year Association members voted to adopt the program, the new sub-committee rules and to recognise the existing office bearers as it's sub-committee.
With the departure our of previous Band Director who had already moved interstate, we set to work on recruiting a new Band Director. Someone who would reinvigorate the program, share the joy of music with the children and to evolve our bands for 2025 and beyond.
We are absolutely delighted to have found the very talented, Jordan Russell.
We know that every child and their family will be enthused and impressed with Jordan. We cannot wait to see what she can lead the children to achieve in the inaugural year under the care of Harbord P&C.
Jordan Russell, Band Director
Jordan is a passionate musician, conductor and music educator, with a keen interest in primary music education.
Growing up in Queensland, she was a member of many ensembles including a Wind Symphony that won State Championships during her time as trumpet section leader. She went on to study voice at The American Musical and Dramatic Academy in New York City and has since been performing both internationally and in Sydney in a variety of solo and ensemble settings. Jordan has been living in Sydney for the past 7 years and has run a number of music programs in the Inner West, she also teaches trumpet, cello and voice.
She recently released an EP of original pop music and performed in two operas in Europe. This year, she will be in her Honours year of a degree in Psychology.
Jordan is thrilled to be joining the HPS music family as Director this year and we are very lucky to have her!
Our Bands
We have five bands at Harbord, with the possibility of a 6th under the leadership of Jordan (stay tuned!). They are;
- Junior band - beginners, from year 3 & above
- Intermediate Band - year 4 and above
- Senior Band - year 5 and above or younger musicians who are ready for more complex pieces, subject to available space
- Concert Band - requires an advanced level and an audition
- Jazz Band - only open to specific instruments, to a select number of children via audition
To get a taster for junior band it's a great idea to sign up for the recorder band in year 2!
Junior Band
In Term 4 of year 2, children are offered the opportunity to try a "Blow Test" where they sample different instruments and see which ones they may have the best aptitude to play in the following year. Based on their blow test and the form that parents fill out afterwards, each child will be offered a place in Junior Band for a particular instrument.
Parents and carers must then;
- choose whether to commit to the full year
- pay the fee for the year which is $450
- buy or hire their child an instrument (2nd hand is fine)
- find a music teacher which suits your child, your schedule and your budget
- have weekly instrument lessons for the year
- Commit to practicing between rehearsals
Junior Band Camp
Junior Band Handbook 2024-5After only a few weeks of playing their instruments, our youngest musicians perform incredibly well together, particularly after their first one day weekend "Band Camp".
- First time band parents will be amazed how good they are!
- Find out more in the Junior Band book PDF here.
The Band book was made in 2024 based on past programs and we will update it in 2025, ready for the 2026 program.
The 2025 Band Rehearsal Schedule
Rehearsals start w/c 17 February for all students whose band fees are paid.
Morning sessions arrive 7:30-40 for 7:45am start.
Afternoon sessions go straight from class, to start 3:15pm.
All rehearsals are one hour + preparation and pack up time.
- Junior Band: Monday morning & Wednesday afternoon
- Intermediate Band: Tuesday afternoon & Thursday Morning
- Senior Band: Monday afternoon & Wednesday morning
- Concert Band: Tuesday morning and Friday afternoon
- Jazz Band: Thursday afternoon
Useful Dates more coming soon!
- Weds 12 February 2025 @5:30pm - meet the new Band Director, pay fees, ask questions
- Thursday 13 February - deadline to pay Band fees, child cannot participate unless fees are paid
- Monday 17 February - first week of rehearsals begin for all bands. Come to your scheduled practice with your instrument.
- Saturday xxxx - Junior Band Camp at Harbord
- Saturday/Sunday xxxx - Senior Band camp 2 days
- Sunday 15 June - Jazz festival concert in Harbord School Hall
- Arts Concerts Tue & Thu mid-late August tbc
- Pop up performances
- Harbord Kindy Pre-School showcase
- Westfield Warringah Mall
- Christmas concert - December
Harbord Band Program
Junior Band (Year 3) 2023 Performing at our Spring Fair
Conductor 2023, Sandie Rose Castle

We are incredibly lucky at Harbord to have such a strong and well regarded band program. Unfortunately as band is an extra curricular activity, it must be paid for by families who wish to attend. Sadly the P&C cannot offer free places to children - we simply have too many children to afford do this and cannot means-test eligibility (for example).
Thank you for your understanding and for paying all your fees on time, so as not to drain time and resources on chasing payment. We are a not-for-profit and all services must be paid for to participate.
Instrument Providers
Mall Music
Mall Music
Shop 430, Warringah Mall, Brookvale
Ph: 9905 6966
Email: info@mallmusic.com.au
Mona Vale Music
Mona Vale Music
12/51-55 Bassett Street, Mona Vale
Ph: 9986 0589
Turramurra Music
Turramurra Music
1267 Pacific Hwy, Turramurra
Ph: 9449 8487
Sax and Woodwind and Brass
Sax and Woodwind and Brass
3/158 Parramatta Road, Camperdown
Ph: 9557 4588
Musicorp Australia (rentals)
Musicorp Australia (rentals)
Ph 1300 858 911
Suppliers are not necessarily endorsed by the school or P&C, please use your discretion.
Tutor List
Download PDF of 2024/5 tutors HERE
Instrument Service & Repair
Grey Door Music
- Mike - Allambie Heights
- greydoormusic.com
- 0412606571
Ben Dickson Instrument Repairs
- DeeWhy
- bendickson.com.au
Sydney Band Instruments
- Gladesville
- sydneybandinstruments.com.au
Mall Music
- Brookvale;
- mallmusic.com.au