P&C Volunteer Vacancies

Your P&C needs you

Working with our P&C

All jobs listed here are unpaid, volunteer roles run in accordance with the Federation of Parents and Citizens Associations of Australia, NSW (pandc.org.au). Most volunteers have busy lives and paid careers, in addition to family life. We like to work together as a team, to support each other to ensure nobody feels overwhelmed and yet, all our important work to run the P&C business is still getting done in an efficient and professional way. The more hands we have in designated roles or just occasional helpers, the easier it is for everyone.
Although the work we do is important and can be busy for the Exec Team, it is extremely rewarding. There's also the awesome banter and camaraderie in working together for a common cause.
We have a laugh and need your help, please join us!

Remaining Vacancies 2024/5

  • Official Executive role: P&C Company Secretary 
  • Fundraising and Events Chairperson
  • Helpers to learn the ropes prior to stepping in more, next year

Other P&C Roles

  • P&C President 
  • Vice Presidents (2)
  • Treasurer
  • OOSH Chairperson 
  • Canteen Chairperson 
  • Uniform Shop Chairperson
  • Sponsorship & Communications Chairperson
  • Vice Treasurer
  • Vice Secretary 
  • Bake Sale Coordinator
  • Fundraising and Events Team members 
  • Canteen committee members
  • Ad hoc Helpers/members
Fundraising and Events Chairperson
This really is a fun role for someone who loves organising events! Fundraising is a fundamental part of the P&C's reason for being and so this role is a really important part of our team BUT it is also the MOST FUN! 
You would coordinate with the President, Events committee members  and Sponsorship & Comms Chairperson to workshop ideas, divide & conquer where needed and ensure everything is achievable and manageable around everyone's other commitments.
This year, we have a committee for each year group who are responsible for organising one event. This lightens the load on this role and it becomes more of a leadership and overseeing position than ever before.
This role includes reporting at each monthly P&C meeting or handing over your report to the President or team member if you're unable to attend. If you're interested in Marketing/Events this is such a great role for you to enjoy and also potentially learn some new skills.
Jump in and Join us!


P&C Company Secretary - official executive role/signatory

This is a crucial position in our P&C for someone who enjoys being  organised and is good with administrative tasks. 


  • Preparation of meeting agendas in conjunction with the president
  • Sending notifications of meetings to members via email system already in place
  • Taking minutes of P&C Association meetings including recording attendance and voting
  • Preparation of draft minutes after the meeting
  • Handling and tabling correspondence (if any)
  • Dealing with administrative tasks related to meeting decisions where possible or passing on to other committee members
  • Maintaining the official records of the P&C Association, including the constitution, by-laws, rules, policies and procedures, ABN details, register of members and meeting attendance
  • As an executive of the Association you are also asked to be a signatory on contracts and officiate other documents as required
  • Beyond that your involvement in other projects is optional 

You would need to attend every P&C meeting (4th Tuesday of each month during term) to take official minutes. Generally there isn't much to do between meetings/meeting prep unless you choose to support the committee further.

Our outgoing Secretary also has a killer sense of humour which is always high on the agenda!


To find out more or have a chat about the designated roles above, please reach out to our President, Catherine president@harbordpandc.com.au or talk to one of the other committee members for an inside scoop, we are always happy to chat!